Thursday, August 25, 2011

Get Pitted. Document Everything.

Batten down. Shit could get messy. Sharpen your chainsaw blades, pack your things, anticipate the unknown and never stop charging.

 If you doubt your abilities find a smaller wave to surf and leave the big ones for another day.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Surf Side Days, Great White Ways

Surfing in N.E. has been a past time I've enjoyed for well over a decade now. It started with my love for the Ocean as a small boy and slowly I found my own way to the beach with a board in hand. We're all nuts...the ones who surf year round, that is, can only describe a fractional amount of what it truly is to be a year round surfer here. The lone and desolate snow drifted and windswept beauty of places most people would not even think of heading to in the peak of a blizzard are what keeps me coming back time and time again. Not only that but the isolation never gets old. The feeling of being swallowed by a dark pit seeking refuge from howling 35kt offshore winds and 22 degree wind chills present an exceptonal challenge to even the most physically fit of people. Lately things have been quiet. Swells have come and gone, not so large. We are on the cusp of what I believe to be the
true season for surf in N.E. FALL/ WINTER. It has been nice shedding a few pounds of neoprene. Yet, the thought of Jaws is forever burnt into my mind when I paddle out. Surfed Just north of Chatham this past weekend and even though the water was clear I couldn't help but to have the theme song to "Jaws" drumming through my mind with every stroke I took.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

We'll take what we can get and we'll like it too damnit.