Saturday, December 8, 2012
Journal Entry: Dec. 8th 2005 : 4:15am
Awoke this morning to find Mother Nature had dumped buckets of snow. A solid blanket covered everything. Brewed a jarring pot of coffee, filled my X-Gulp, still had no idea how much snow was outside. Opening the door was the first challenge that faced me. It took a few good body thrusts against my Mattapoisett home's storm door to get it open , the snow was packed fairly well against the exterior. With dry winter suit, coffee, and 2 surfboards in hand, I trudged through the snow, about knee deep. The next task was carving through the pillow of snow that surrounded my 1992 rear wheel drive Ford Ranger 4 x 2 - 4 cylinder. Eventually uncovered, I started up my ride to the beach, next in sequence was the snow blower. It wouldn't start. Pull after pull on the rip chord, it sputtered and sounded hopeless. Luckily there was also an electric starter because on about pull 41 or 42 it snapped clear from the machine and that's when the snow fell from the plug and the button for the electric starter. A self propelled beauty of a machine with 9 speeds. Twenty minutes later the driveway was clear.
I threw 5 bags of Quick Crete in the back or my truck directly over the rear axle, stuffed two boards and a duffel bag full of warm layers on top of the yellow dusty anchor weight and spun my wheels out of the driveway. Hopefully I could make my way through the remaining blizzard to a desolate location near the Sea. Hitting an unplowed road would ruin my attempt at surfing. my Ranger didn't have 4-wheel drive. One hour and about thirty minutes later after a tricky slick road-ride I saw perfection. Untouched. Not a trace of a human being around aside from a freshly plowed parking lot. It was about dark-thirty and the first signs of daylight were approaching. I began suiting up.
Conditions were wild. Snow covered everything. A light offshore breeze and untouched snow set a surreal tone in the early morning hues. One final blast of heat and some more warmth to my core sipping coffee, I shut my truck down and stepped into the Wintry elements. What was I thinking!? This was insane. This was Love.
As the waves furled against an equally matched velocity of offshore wind I realized how alive the Ocean was. These weren't waves, these were living creatures. Every right hand wave peeled across the reef resembling a dragon in flight, mouth wide opened. A dark and scary cavern only the believers could make it through. Pitch as black. Eventually past the break of the 1-2ft overhead walls, sets of 5 or 6, I picked off # 4. Taking off was a breeze and checking into the pocket was textbook. The anomaly was the ride. The Ocean opened it's mouth wide and gave me a view I could never forget. Amidst the chaos & white noise of falling through time in space upon a vertical liquid face I snapped a mental photograph. In this moment time seemed to stand still as I peered out the oval frame of light, The Exit.
Not yet, this was too beautiful. The silver light shown through the liquid ceiling accenting everything around me. It went from pitch black to this. The shore, lined with snow and a brief interlude of ocean sand amidst the whiteness, had captivated my attention. I felt a moment of bliss only a surfer can tell you.
You only live once. This bliss doesn't have to fade. Praying this winter kicks it up a notch.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Surf Everyday: Revolution Evolution
There's not much that can compare to large powerful waves. The ebb and flow of the tides and the effect it has on open ocean swells; knocking swell intervals down and picking them up as they come and go. It's easy to be and feel like a surfer when there's surf to be had. It's easier to associate. It's easier to feel whole and connected. What if this connection never had to fade? What if you could feel the bliss of riding a heaving barrel walking down the street? Would it satisfy the addiction to liquid ramps and houses we all share? Would it suffice? It might come close. Nothing is as good as the real thing. Lately, in the past year or so, I put down my kung-fu practice(Baqua, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Al Pako Kenpo) and began practicing Yoga. My reason? Revolution Evolution!
I know the concept is blasphemous for some closed minded religious views that deny the existence of such a thing but they're wrong. Evolution does exist and it's taking place right now. It takes place each and every time I hit the water!(YOU TOO!) My body, over the past 13 years of surfing, has formed a defense mechanism. It's called surfer's ear which is skin growth over the inner ear canal. The reason? To keep the water out! Wear ear plugs! They'll keep you warm and you'll spare yourself a trip to the doctors to get the skin scraped out of your ears.
In retrospect to the evolution of surfing, it has reached pivotal points of progression along the way. When these points of change occur it's been surfboard design that has led the charge in the evolution revolution allowing the physical surfer to shred harder with more progressive moves. Today the surfboard has been engineered to perfection. Fin selection has come light years from where it once was and this has demanded higher performance from us, the surfers. So what happens now? what happens when we've evolved our wave riding devices as far as they can go? If you said that the surfer's physical being is next to evolve YOU'RE CORRECT! But how? How can you contribute to the evolution of physicality?? My answer was brought to me a year ago when Yoga came to me.
Each and every time I hit my Yoga mat I have one thing in mind, positive change. Sure, you may have done some stretching in your lifetime but have you ever done an hour and a half of organ purifying twists, blood swirling inversions, and leg elongating lunges? The first time I stepped on a board after a Yoga class I was charged. Skating or surfing, that board was stuck to my feet. Immediately after I started pulling maneuvers I had only dreamt about as a far off fantasy of what I wished I could do. My wishes were granted by an increase of balance and focus in and out of the water.
So what happens when we push physical evolution of the Surfer to it's peak; to the maximum state of flexibility and performance? Mental evolution comes next. Your attitude, the thoughts you have and keep, the beliefs you have in your own abilities are what need to be mastered. Evolution of mentality falls into two categories: The Believers(+) and The Non-Believers(-), Yin and Yang, Positive and Negative. It's amazing how much a positive attitude makes a difference! Assumptions are the trap and the ability to maintain a happy vibration is the cure. I'm sure we've all experienced this one way or another. What if the surfer could attract to him or her whatever they wanted just by visualizing it? What if you're not getting barreled as much as the others because they're visualizing it before they sleep? What if all that you have to do to surf better is think better by sending the Universe a mental picture of what you want your next wave to be like? That seems like a much better intent than pulling the localism attitude that is prevalent in much of the Surfing in the USA. What if there is only a lack because our thoughts and attitudes have created it? What if everyone could evolve for the better? There is enough to go around and there all ways has been!
Ride The Fire.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Ocean Body Slams Into Sand....
Empty Barrels On a Lonely Beach. Heaven.
It's been a while. Been hooked on point breaks recently but Cape Cod, as always, showed how much power it can house up. Shacks the size of hatch back cars and small trucks; shattered shell and mid sized pebble encrusted bottom ass kickings by one of the farthest reaches East in southern New England. This picture is not enough to describe the flawless perfection we witnessed. 5-6 second screamer cover ups. The bottom was not soft....and my shoulder blade is bruised.....
a shot within a shot. by All Photos by the Newportian: RJAM
A little bit of Nadine love
Before we decided a 2hr car ride was in line:
Ray Jarvis cruisin the inside slab:
J A Macfarlyn who knows how shallow it was....
Monday, September 3, 2012
Yes, There ARE Sharks In The Ocean.
As many of you know there has been a lot of bustle regarding our fierce friend Mr. Great White. They've been here for who knows how long. Ten years ago if you mentioned anything about a Great White Shark in New England people would look at you like you were crazy. Guess what? It's true!!! Going to visit the head of our lovely Ocean friend scientists left behind washed ashore in Westport, MA after performing a necropsy. The fish was healthy at the time of death. If that wasn't enough of a wake-up call there have now been numerous sightings in the waters off of Fairhaven, MA.
Cape Cod's Mr. Shaun VEC and Bradley Louw Dropping the cage for the first time
Marine Biologists, hop on in!
Monday, July 23, 2012
I've been surfing large waves lately
It doesn't take much. To keep the stoke alive becomes a battle like none other. When you've been there. When you've walked away unscathed, clean and humbled in the best way possible. Riding liquid mountains like you have never seen before. Our day will come as it all ways does. To deal with the waiting between sets, between storm fronts, sunrises, sunsets, moon phases, years, decades, a hundred years, as much of a part of surfing as waiting for snow is for the white wave. Travel ponders and hopes of arcaine barrels of pure sunlit glory plague the mind. The most pure circuit charging the soul in the most indescribeable way. Still we remain Hungry. Like an animal of its own kind; Of it's own breed. A seperate extension of the mainstream. We are the water walkers, the storm riders.
My only vice has been music. It has consumed me. Music and arbory. Day in day out. I have a climb and I make music. Waves come in all shapes and sizes. I like the ones made of salt water the best. It's all I crave. 6ft @ 16 seconds. For 2 weeks straight. Light variable winds 3-5kts. Just enough swell and wind variation so I can take 2 weeks from work to explore every nook and cranny that the oh so promising New England coastline has to offer. Swell and a long sought after boat trip. I'm ready Nature. Are you? I'll be waiting.....
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Hang in there.
As flat as the Ocean has been and as mediocre as a season that it has been there are so many waves to ride.
Definition of the Week:
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For the soul music group, see The Vibrations. For the machining context, see Machining vibrations.
For other uses, see Vibrations (disambiguation).
oscillations occur about an equilibrium point. The oscillations may be periodic such as the motion of a pendulum or random such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road.Vibration is occasionally "desirable". For example the motion of a tuning fork, the reed in a woodwind instrument or harmonica, or the cone of a loudspeaker is desirable vibration, necessary for the correct functioning of the various devices.
More often, vibration is undesirable, wasting energy and creating unwanted sound – noise. For example, the vibrational motions of engines, electric motors, or any mechanical device in operation are typically unwanted. Such vibrations can be caused by imbalances in the rotating parts, uneven friction, the meshing of gear teeth, etc. Careful designs usually minimize unwanted vibrations.
The study of sound and vibration are closely related. Sound, or "pressure waves", are generated by vibrating structures (e.g. vocal cords); these pressure waves can also induce the vibration of structures (e.g. ear drum). Hence, when trying to reduce noise it is often a problem in trying to reduce vibration.
Talk waves
Ride thE ViBes
Hang in there.
Either that
hop a jet to Tahiti....
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Losing my marbles.....
It's ok. Bear with it. Overhead swell will come eventually. Until then ride the concrete wave or grab your favorite off-road beach cart and tackle some gnarly terrain! Tiverton Skatepark is epic aside from the prominent risk of slaming into little kids. Going a bit loony. Last decent session was over 4 weeks ago. Feels like hurricane time.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Receptivity and the law of attraction
How are you supposed to recieve more when you aren't already happy with what you've got?
It's a statement that can be disected for days weeks or even an entire lifetime. The universal law of attraction states that like particles are naturally drawn towards one another. It's a proven fact. Science has gotten involved in human emotion correlating it with meditation techniques and ancient knowledge to prove that a lot of what our human minds deem impossible IS actually possible. Most people are blind to the energies of their own minds and bodies as well as the people around them. Think happy thoughts, live well, eat right and proper, and keep a smile on your face no matter how dismal it may seem it could always get worse. OR if you want to look at it the way that will attract positive things into your immediate always gets BETTER. Couple shots from Nantasket and Cape Cod. Stay alive. Pray for groundswell! - FNP
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Our climate is shifting. This summer will hopefully be one to be remembered for warm weather and epic swell. We've all got a bank account filled with waves because we've all been ripped off this winter season. That's fine with me though, I've got a good feeling about summer / fall. As for this spring......all I can say is flatness for another week and skatepark weather is prime. Tiverton just got a new park.....not sure if it's any good yet. Thinking about a trek to Greenside skatepark next rainy day. Happy Cinco De Mayo! FNP will be cutting loose in Providence at the Westminster St. celebration starting @ 4pm today. T shirts coming soon. Stay tuned.
Monday, March 5, 2012
It doesn't take much to be overwhelmed by "the decision". Phones ring off the hook and blow up with text messages from various eyewitness reports pulling you in 3 separate directions at's enough to make you pull the hair from your scalp! Planned on going way north. After 2hrs in the car already and a road sign for a spot I've wanted to check for years randomly appearing at the same instance that I got the call ,"It's way too big up here, all over the place, we're going to NH" - nesurfadventures, I made a hard right and started east to find these gems. Size was roughly chest-2' OH super steep, fast A frame grinders. Peeling for 100-200 yards. I was on my own. Long live GPS systems! My gut guided me the rest of the way to 3-2hour mind blowing sessions. Experiencing a new break when it is in it's prime is quite the gift.
There's still surf in regions of N.E. today. Charge it!
Friday, February 17, 2012
We exchanged epic winter swell for a 40-50 degree avg. Feb.?
We never got a choice.
It's been nice
but I sure do prefer falling onto a liquid ramp
eating shit
on a 13ft vert ramp
This has not been a poem.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Get on that!
Black ink + photoshop
7:00AM Sunday morning. Woke up. Coastguard cam looked like blown out garbage. Debated. Rhode Island looked like a lake. Attempted to motivate. Went back to sleep. Phone buzzed. 9:30AM WAVES in strange places I was told. An hour later I was surfing somewhere most will never. Good day of travel, hunting, and scores. ?? Gotta love it. Most say So. Shore, MA is under rated..... I'd say it has it's days.Some Secrets are best kept that way....
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Through the Iris of the Sun
We are all merely reflections. Vibrations. Waves of energy. The structural composition of an atom is proportionately scale to that of our solar system. That is, in fact, the distance from electrons, nuclei, etc. is proportional to that of the distance of planets to our sun. Strange to think of it. We are part of an ongoing wave. Why do huge storms happen? Is it all just a coincidence or could it be OUR expectations manifesting into an epic swell event? Our minds, our thoughts are the film to this projection of reality. Similar vibrations are naturally drawn together in our Universe There are many nay sayers out there which confide in the comfort of societical views of "what is supposed to be possible" vs. "What COULD be possible". Maybe there are limitless possibilites. Maybe OUR minds are truly the one precious posession we have in this. KNOW the storm will come. KNOW the swell will be. Know you can fly. Believe you can make that barrel section.
Caged and burning for a shred sesh.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Secret Stash:
We all have one or two of our slabby secrets tucked away for that oh so special swell angle when everywhere else is less than's gems like this wave that keeps my hunger for exploration alive. Biggest payout I've had in years. Shot this after a 2.5hr session. Unfortunately I forgot my water housing so all you get to see is the aftermath of a 2.5hr barrel spree I won't soon forget. Not the best photo....but your mind can do the rest of the work. Wave starts slow and rollie then the face steps down into a steep wall of intense tubeness. Most waves didn't look makeable until you put on the gas and checked into the pocket.
Somewhere between Montauk, NY and Portland, ME
Somewhere between Montauk, NY and Portland, ME
Friday, January 6, 2012
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