Friday, August 20, 2010

Cape Cod

Nothing beats a summer session anywhere on Cape. "Cod" Island has such a variety of sandbars to choose from. If the variety of waves isn't enough, it's got about 60 miles of shoreline. On top of that, the aquatic life to be seen out there is up close and personal. Whales breaching 1/4 mile off shore can be seen occasionally from the lineup and seals are not shy of surfers what-so-ever. The water is cooler than the usual spots which is nice to feel again. I could not help but to see an empty snow-covered beach with only but a few fresh tracks heading for the water. The restiction of a 6mm suit, the threat of hypothermia, the feeling of being the only person on the planet bearing witness to gargantuan Cape Cod waves heaving into perfectly groomed winter sand bars.  That is a feeling only New England can bring to my soul.  That is my true feeling of being "home".

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